Charles Petzold

Devscovery Comes to New York City

May 4, 2007
New York, N.Y.

My friends from Wintellect are putting on their Devscovery show in New York City on May 9 to 11, and I'll be making a rare public appearance there. On May 9 in the morning, I'll be delivering the keynote on "Object-Oriented Design and XAML," and then I'll be doing two talks on WPF programming, the first on UI programming and the second on graphics. (After which I'll probably be exhausted become I'm not accustomed to talking for more than 15 to 20 minutes a day.)

My keynote will be a discussion about writing classes to target XAML, and how XAML often aids in answering the age-old question "What should my objects be?" but also delivers new challenges in making these objects work with XAML. As an example, I'll be demonstrating and discussing some positional astronomy code I've been working on recently (recreationally).

In my two talks on WPF programming, I'll be discussing C# and XAML in unison, which is a little different from the way I tackled the subject in my book Applications = Code + Markup but which I think is more suited for introductory talks.

Hope to see you there!