Programming Microsoft Windows Forms

Programming Microsoft Windows Forms

Programming Microsoft Windows Forms is an introduction to Windows Forms programming with an emphasis on .NET 2.0.

ISBN: 0-7356-2153-5; Microsoft Press; November, 2005; 384 pages.


This book is available from: as well as many other real and virtual bookstores.

Source Code

For program source code, go to the companion content page.

Experimental ClickOnce Installations

Please note: These programs were compiled with Build 50727 of the .NET Framework 2.0, which is the version of .NET 2.0 finalized in November 2005. These programs will not install with earlier beta versions of .NET 2.0. If you don't have any version of .NET 2.0 currently installed, the setup program properly installs Build 50727 from Microsoft's web site. (As of November 11, 2005)

© Charles Petzold, 2005
This page last updated November, 2005